Sturbuck Album

I am thankful to Wilna Furstenberg for her remarkable Sturbuck Album. The step by step can be seen at Ali Edwards's website. It is so easy and charming. Dear Wilna, if you read this from deepest my heart I really thank you for your wonderful work and generosity...Hope you always success!=D
Ps: I like the words "caution: HOT" ;p



  1. A real 'hot' project....a real 'hot' family.....the finishing touch is so 'Alice'.....:) Wish me luck in finishing mine soon......

  2. Dear Ria:
    Thank you!! Looking foward to it, please hurryup!! =D

  3. bagus mba, saya juga mau bikin ah..hehehe

  4. Mba Dewie, siip mba, nanti jangan lupa dipost yaa...=D

  5. Such a cool mini album, it looks amazing!! xo

  6. Dear Didee,

    You're very talented artist! Really glad to knowing you..thanks much for stopping by to my blog! =D

  7. Hello sweetie, just stopping by to see what you are up to. Hope your having fun!!! Merry Christmas sweetie!! xo

  8. Mba, saya stuck nih. Gak bisa menggabungkan the whole page. Gimana ? Saya gak bisa jahit. Kalo mba alice keliatannya di jahit di tengah ya ?

  9. Mba Dewiee...sorry sy baru lihat!!! Nanti sy inbox-in step2nya ya! =D


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